National Congress Against Military Service, Civic Service and All Forms of Recruitment
June 6th, 2014 at 14:30
The Preparatory Committee of the Higher Follow up Committee for Palestinian Arab Citizens inIsrael and the Coalition Against Military and Civic Service, cordially invites you to participate in the work of the National Congress Against Military Recruitment.
On Friday, June 6, 2014, representatives from Palestinian civic, political and social society will open the conference by discussing the issue of recruitment of Palestinian youth. Representing the plurality of our society, these diverse actors will explain the common goals of the Palestinian people in refusing state service. This will be followed by the reading and signing of the National Charter Against Recruitment.
To conclude the Congress, several youth movements will host a festival featuring Palestinian artists, poets and musicians.
We hope you will participate in contributing to this important national dialogue. The event is free of cost.
Buses will be provided from Jerusalem, Jaffa and Haifa. To reserve a seat on one of these buses for Jerusalem call Yassin Sabih 052 668 3172, for Jaffa call Jihad Abdullah 052 224 1663, and for Haifa call Saher Geries 0542233843.
It is our national responsibility to not only react to the policies imposed on us, but, to take initiative to shape the future for ourselves and future generations.
for more information call Abed Enbtawe 0544645547
The Preparatory Committee for the National Congress Against Military Service, Civic Service and All Forms of Recruitment.