الرئيسية » أخبار بلدنا » رسالة من جمعية بلدنا الى رئيس رابطة الشباب والعمال في أوسلو, النرويج
رسالة من جمعية بلدنا الى رئيس رابطة الشباب والعمال في أوسلو, النرويج
02/08/2011 - 04:52

Dear Mr. Eskil Pedersen President of The Workers' Youth League (AUF), Oslo , Norway.

On behalf of Baladna- Association for the Arab Youth, we send our sympathy and sincere  condolences to you and to  the families and loved ones of the Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking participants. The slaughter that took place in the AUF camp is a shameful act of  hatred in which we resent and oppose to strongly. While motivated teenagers and young politicians come together attempting to reinvent a brighter future, discussed and shared ideas, an act of violence and despair came in their way and, unfortunately, ended tens of lives, along with other citizens of Norway. As a Palestinian organization who works amongst and for the youth, we send you our warmth thoughts, and hope for a better future, where the youth activities and citizens in general, are no longer in danger and are in a safe environment ,where they can live to make their future a better one.

Manar Yacoub                                                                             Nadim Nashif Chairperson                                                                                    Director

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